Friday, January 9, 2015

Stories: because students make them their own

I am working on providing more comprehensible input for my students during class.  Our textbook series has many useful auxiliary materials, but I want students to continue using the language outside of the textbook exercises.  Many times I can make the exercises into active communicative tasks; however, students need a lot of input to prepare them for creating output. 

One way I provide repetitions of vocabulary/grammar in context is through telling stories.  The storytelling I talk about here is not TPRS, although the activity could work well with that style of CI.

Based on the vocabulary and grammar structures students are learning in the current unit and the language students already know, I write a few short stories.  Occasionally the story contains vocabulary or grammar that students have not been taught explicitly, but it is used in context and is not the focus of the story.  Each story involves 1-3 main characters and focuses on 1-3 grammar structures or key phrases.  Typed, the story is one or two paragraphs.  I expand the stories in detail and depth as students progress in proficiency and through more complex grammar topics.

I give each student a blank 8.5x11 paper that they then divide into four sections.  Then I read the story three times, giving students a few minutes between repetitions:
1.      The first time I read the story, the students listen and draw four pictures to represent the main events of the story. 
2.      The second and third time through the story, the students listen for more details to add.  Students also write a full-sentence caption for each picture, in English.
3.      Students then translate their captions into the target language.

The next day students retell the story to classmates and then turn in their papers.  When I go through their work I look for main story events and correct use of grammar structures.  I also like to make note of the details students include in their story retelling as well as their creativity in the illustrations.

I have a few ideas to vary this activity.  Students listen and draw pictures to illustrate the main events of the story.  Then they retell the story to classmates or record their retelling to share with me.  This way students focus on communicating the story events rather than perfecting their grammar as they do when writing.  This would also steer students away from equating English sentence structure with Spanish sentence structure.

Example unit:
  • staying in shape and doing things to be healthy
  • world sports

Example focus structures:
  • adverbs
  • preterite past-tense

Example story:

  • El mes pasado yo fui con mi familia a un partido de fútbol durante la Copa Mundial.  Nosotros volamos en avión a la ciudad y tomamos un taxi al estadio.  Todos los jugadores practicaron en el campo antes del partido.  Un equipo llevó los colores de rojo y blanco y otro equipo llevó los colores de azul y gris.  Cuando empezó el partido, los jugadores jugaron seriamente.  Ellos corrieron rápidamente y pasaron la pelota fácilmente.  Durante la primera mitad, el equipo rojo metió dos goles.  Pero inmediatamente en la segunda mitad, los equipos estuvieron empatados.  Al fin del partido un jugador fuerte del equipo azul corrió a la red y metió un gol.  Ellos fueron los ganadores.

Example illustration/caption/translation: